There’s not always time or budget to shoot an image library for your website or design work. Stock photo sites typically charge excessive rates for lifeless images that look like they belong on a government website, and definitely shouldn’t be used to promote your brand or your client’s.
Google Images is notoriously great at pulling bad photos into an image search that aren’t even remotely suitable for what you need. Search for images without usage restrictions and you’ll find yourself with even fewer options. Luckily, thanks to struggling creatives everywhere and the internet there is a solution!
Pexel, Unsplash, and Pexabay are three of our favorite stock photo sites that provide great, free photographs that fall under a Creative Commons Zero license. This is the best type of creative commons license as no attribution is necessary and you can use them in both personal and commercial projects as often as you like. Amazing, right!?
The best part is the quality of the photography. It is heads and shoulders above most stock photography sites because photos are contributions made by real artists who want to showcase and share their work with other creatives.
I mentioned above that these photos are free to use in personal and commercial projects and there’s no attribution necessary. You’re probably wondering what’s in it for the photographer, right? Well there are ways to support your favorite photographers- you totally should! It’s super simple to link back to the photographer to make it even easier for their work to be found online. And all of these websites have also made it an option to donate via Paypal. And then there’s the good old-fashioned shout-out on the socials. Just look for the options when you download your first pic!