We got the chance to chat with Jessica, the New York City-based foodie influencer behind @NYCFoodComa. Read below to hear her dish about everything from pasta to advise for fellow social media influencers.
What made you start @NYCFoodComa?Â
I started NYCFoodComa for fun almost 6 years ago. I had just moved to NYC and was constantly going out to restaurants and posting photos on personal account (and annoying my followers with food photos they didn't want to constantly see), so I decided to make an Instagram account dedicated to only food that anyone could follow.
How has your Instagram account evolved?Â
When I first started NYCFoodComa, I was taking photos on my iPhone in poorly lit restaurants. My feed looked very dark and unappealing. Eventually, I started using a camera to take higher quality photos and began using a handheld LED light or natural lighting so my photos would be brighter and more eye-catching. When I first started NYCFoodComa, there were barely any other food accounts and many restaurants weren't even on Instagram. The account itself has grown as the popularity of Instagram and food accounts have grown. NYCFoodComa has also evolved as Instagram rolls out new features (i.e. Instagram stories, highlights,etc.), which  has allowed me to be more creative and add different elements to my page.
What do you use to shoot your content? How do you edit your content?Â
I use a Canon Rebel T5 to take my photos and I use Snapseed to edit my content.
Is there a certain food or dish that catches your followers attention over others?
Pasta! Pasta photos always perform the best on my account, which works out well since Italian food is my favorite!
Do you find yourself being contacted for restaurant visits or do you contact the restaurants you feature on @nycfoodcoma?
It's a mix! A lot of restaurants contact me, but I will also contact a restaurant if I'm interested in featuring them on my account.
How do you stay on top of food trends?
I follow many other food influencers and restaurants on Instagram, so I am constantly seeing photos of food and new, trendy dishes or restaurants. I also still read the local food publications such as Eater and Grubstreet so I can find out about restaurant openings & closings and other industry news.

How do you stay on top of social media trends?
Instagram is my focus, so I really don't stay on top of other social media trends. I always try to keep my Instagam app up-to-date and make sure that I have the latest version so I can be the first to see any new features that are implemented and determine how they will fit with my brand.
What is your ideal foodie night out in NYC?
My ideal foodie night out in NYC is going to a great Italian restaurant with fresh, handmade pasta and wine. I love to order a bunch of appetizers and pastas to share so I'm able to try a little bit of everything.
What are some future goals for your account?
I would like to begin creating more video content. Right now, my feed is mostly still photos with the occasional video. I would also like to get more into travel and occasionally feature foods from other cities or countries.
Any last words for other foodie influencers out there?
Keep it fun! A lot of influencers take their accounts way too seriously and forget why they started their accounts in the first place. While influencer events are fun and a great way to meet other people within the industry, it's important to not get too caught up and still take time to go to the restaurants that you want to go to, put down the camera and connect with the food in front of you.