In an interview, first impressions are everything! This is your one chance to show prospective employers why you would be the best fit for the role, so it is imperative that you put your best foot forward. Luckily, we have not only participated in many interviews, but conducted them as well, and are sharing our top five interview mistakes to avoid.
Not bringing your resume.
Even though you will have already sent your resume to your interviewer, it is extremely important to show up prepared with extra copies in case more people join in the interview. You can never be too prepared!
Failing to do your research.
Not only should you research the company that you are interviewing for, but you should also research the person interviewing you. This is a great way for you to brainstorm insightful questions to ask your interviewer.
Showing up late.
It should go without saying that showing up late for an interview is a total taboo! Obviously, life happens and things get in the way, but try to schedule out ample time to arrive at your interview site, check in, and get settled before your interview. We always like to schedule in an extra 15 minutes in case of emergencies.
Badmouthing past employers.
No matter how awful a past job experience was, you should NEVER talk poorly about previous employers. This can be seen as a red flag to future employers that you may badmouth them in the future. If you had a negative job experience, try to think of a way to spin it as a challenge that you were able to work through.
Using your cellphone.
If you are on your phone during an interview this shows prospective employers that you are uninterested in the job and inconsiderate of their time. Turn your phone on silent, put it in your bag, and use this as an excuse to check out on social media and email.